A Clear Vision for Forest Grove Christian Church

As the pastor of FGCC, this is what I currently discern to be God’s desire for this congregation over the coming two decades of ministry. I offer it to the congregation and community and invite prayerful engagement, conversation and even challenge, that we might together come to a clear understanding of God’s will and desire for us in this time and place.

Forest Grove Christian Church will be and become a congregation of increasingly faithful followers of Jesus. We embrace the three-fold Disciples vision: To be a faithful, growing church, that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality and a passion for justice. (Micah 6:8)
We will be a congregation committed to:

Making space for those in whose midst God has placed us

  • Draw a 2 & 5 mile radius around the church (as our ‘target’ parish) and ask: “What does it mean to lead these people to a saving faith in Jesus Christ and a growing walk with Him empowered by the Holy Spirit?
  • Understand where and how our ‘spheres of influence’ extend beyond that 5 mile radius – and engage those areas in Jesus’ name.
  • Helping broken people experience wholeness in God through Christ
    Becoming and inviting others into a maturing Christian Community, the Body of Christ

Training people for ministry at every level of their spiritual development by:

  • Teaching people what it means to be a follower of Jesus
  • Encouraging and facilitating true spiritual growth
  • Providing regular training and practice in the various skills of ministry
    Seeking, Highlighting, and Funding external training experiences
  • Helping each participant understand and engage their own sphere of influence as their personal ‘parish’ and ministry setting.
  • Becoming a local & regional center for theological and ministry training

Supporting the development and growth of new ministries

  • As our participants are called by God into them

Supporting the initiation and growth of new congregations

  • As the most effective means of reaching adults with the saving message of the Gospel.

And this vision will impact our Worship, Fellowship, Education, Facilities, Ministry & Witness. What will we need to change in each of these areas in order to be faithful to God’s call on this church? AT LEAST Annually we will need to review and set goals to pursue this vision with passion.

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